The difficulties around making partner in commercial law firms and the desire for a different work/life balance have resulted in a growing trend for lawyers to move out of the traditional law practice and into in-house legal roles.
While this can seem like a challenging step for some, Space Executive’s latest legal report comprises top tips for transitioning from private practice to in-house and insights from insider lawyers who have made the leap from private practice to in-house, to provide more information on what this transition involves and how best to manage it.
Click here to download the report >>
In-house Counsel Across the Globe
+7,000 in-house lawyers in Singapore*
55% have 15 years of work experience or less
400+ in-house lawyers are served by the ACC Singapore Chapter
28,400 in-house lawyers in the UK
22% of lawyers in the UK are in-house
Ready to make the move?
Eng Chang (EC) - and Terence Lim - are currently working on a number of exciting in-house legal positions across numerous industries and locations and would love to hear from you.
*more thank 7K profiles on LinkedIn suggest they currently hold an in-house counsel role in Singapore.